Zoom Beam Expanders 0.6x - 1.5x
Diffraction limited performance
​Expansion range 0.6x-1.9x
343, 355, 515, 532, 1030, 1064 nm
Sliding lens design
<1 mrad beam wander
No internal foci
>6.5 J/cm2 @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz
>2 J/cm2 @ 532 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz
>0.8 J/cm2 @ 355 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz
Standard items
Industrial laser systems require superior laser beam parameter repeatability for specific process. Thus there are several reasons, why beam size tunning around 1x is required (e.g. laser has output beam size tolerance of ±10%, or systems can be build with lasers from different manufacturers).
Even tough market–established standard beam expanders range 1x – 3x and "theoretically" cover 0.3x – 3x in forward+reverse usage, still, flipping beam expander during system adjustment is inconvenient & undesired operation, therefore, Beamera has developed zoom beam expander with x0.6 – x1.9 expansion range, that can be continuously zoomed along the domain.
This is cost effective solution for medium/moderate power applications. It features three main advantages that help to stand out from the competition:
· Sturdy mechanical design
· Fine divergence adjustment
· Compact size
The product is available for all 3 harmonics – IR, GREEN & UV for both – Neodymium and Ytterbium lasers.
Divergence adjustment mechanism provides smooth and fine divergence adjustment compensation, and fine is crucial in laser machining process fine-tuning.
Beam expander is designed to comply strict stability, robustness and pricing requirements that are imposed by industrial lasers applications, which makes it suitable for both – industrial and scientific use.
Main applications for 1x-3x zoom beam expander are laser marking/engraving and laser microfabrication with moderate powers (e.g. surface structuring, 2 photon polymerization, cutting).
As a rule of thumb, we recommend using moderate power beam expanders with ultrafast laser systems if average laser power does not exceed the following values:
1st harmonic ≤100W;
2nd harmonic ≤50W;
3rd harmonic ≤10W.
In sub-picosecond regimes, these values are higher, and whenever in doubt, one can always resort to High Power beam expander solution.