USP 0.5x - 1.7x
Zoom Beam Expanders
Diffraction limited performance
for Ø4~9 mm beams
​Expansion range 0.5x-1.7x
343, 355, 515, 532, 1030, 1064 nm
Sliding lens design
<500 µrad beam wander
Lenses made from fused silica
No internal foci
>25 J/cm2 @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz
>10 J/cm2 @ 532 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz
>5 J/cm2 @ 355 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz
Standard items
Some applications require seamless beam size tuning around 1x, e.g. When system is designed to work exactly, or close to original laser beam size.
Whereas market–established standard beam expanders range 1x – 4x and "theoretically" cover 0.25x – 4x in forward+reverse usage, still flipping beam expander during system adjustment is inconvenient & undesired operation, therefore, Beamera presents HP/USP (High Power & Ultra Short Pulse compatible) beam expander – zoom laser beam expander with x0.5 – x1.7 expansion range, that can be continuously zoomed along the domain.
USP beam expander stands out because to the following features:
· Only 7.5mm on-axis dielectric thickness makes sure device introduces minimum GDD (Group Delay Dispersion).
· Compatible with 50 fs and shorter pulses
· Collimation is ALWAYS maintained during expansion adjustment over whole expansion range
The product is available for all 3 harmonics – IR, GREEN & UV for both – Neodymium and Ytterbium lasers.
Divergence adjustment mechanism provides smooth and fine divergence adjustment compensation, and fine is crucial in laser machining process fine-tuning.
Beam expander expander is designed to comply strict stability, longevity, and robustness requirements imposed by industrial lasers applications, which makes it suitable for both – industrial and demanding scientific use.
As a rule of thumb, we recommend resorting to high power beam expanders with ultrafast laser systems if average laser power exceeds the following values:
· 1st harmonic >100W
· 2nd harmonic >50W
· 3rd harmonic >10W
LIDT in ns regimes:
· >25 J/cm² @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz
· >10 J/cm² @ 532 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz
· >5 J/cm² @ 355 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz
LIDT with ultrafast pulses:
· >3.7 J/cm² @ 1030 nm, 10 ps, 10 kHz
· >1 J/cm² @ 515 nm, 10 ps, 10 kHz
· >0.5 J/cm² @ 343 nm, 1 ps, 1 kHz